Thursday, March 20, 2008

a new world part 3 of chapter one (read introduction and all of chapter one to get this part)

It took an hour to get to the spaceship launch site. Timmy pulled his suitcase out of the car. He smelled the fresh Washington air and marvelled at the beautiful mountain called Mt. Rainier. Mt. Rainier had a perfectly bleach white snow cap and was beautifully pained with evergreen trees.

He looked over at his mother who was now bawling. Her usually perky fire covered hair was drooping. She ran oven and hugged him. He returned the gesture and cried into her pink dress. His father, who he had never seen crying, was wailing so loud people who were getting out of their hover crafts were starting to stare at him.

He walked to the front entrance where they saw a long line of people waiting to be admitted into the gate enclosed area that held the space ships. Many people were turned back crying because they hadn't been invited to start in the new world of Kroyoyo. One man with a curly walrus tusk shaped mustache had been turned back because he had tried to break his way through the gates. Several people had tried to climb over the gates into the launch off site. They were slightly electricuted because the gate was electric. Many people also tried to forge letters or pass someone else's letter as their own. The two tall and muscular guards were smart and calmly made the people leave.

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