Monday, February 25, 2008

a new world part 1 of chapter 1 (read introduction first)

Chapter 1

For once the whole world went quiet as each country’s leader explained about the dilemma over the T.V.’s, radios, intercomes, cell phones, and regular phones. After about five minutes of silence people started to cry and scream.

Little babies started to weep and people jumped off buildings. People ran to the post office to check their mail boxes hoping to be some of the lucky ones. Many people left the post office disappointed. Only a few people left the post oiffice with a pit in their stomach sorry to tell their family the news that they had been chosen to live in the new world, Kroyo.

Timmy was one of the people that had recieved a letter that he would be living in the new world. He was an average ten year old boy with red hair and huge brown spectacles. He held the letter close up to his glasses. It stated
January 5, 2024

Dear United States Citizen,
You have been chosen to be one of the people who are to be moved to the new planet Kroyo. You will begin a new life on the planet of Kroyo. Please arrive on January 24th at two o’cclock P.M. in Seattle, Washington. Come alone. No one who doesn’t recive this letter will be invited. You must bring ten pairs of clothes, two personnel items, two gallons of water, five pounds of food, and one celluar deive. An I.D. is also required for entrance to the space shuttle. This letter is also needed for entry.

We are humbled, but excited to to start this new world. We hope you will join us. A map to where the space shiuttle lauch off airport is located will be sent to you in the next ten days.
George Nails
President of the Untied States

George Nails

Timmy walked through his front door and came into a house of utter silence. He could hear his mother cooking mush room soup. His father was in the den typing a paper for his work.

Setting down his back pack he walked into the kitchen. His mother ran up to him. You could see the resemblace between Timmy and his mother. His mother’s fiery red har gleamed under the light. “Did you hear the news, honey?”

Timmy nodded. “Yes my teacher told us, “he whispered picking at his hang nail. He pulled the letter out of his pocket and handed it to his mother. His mother looked at him with a puzzled glance. “I checked the mail today and got this.” Brenca, Timmy’s mom, pulled out her green glasses and read the short important letter. Tears slid down her cheeks as she read the letter.

When Brenda finished reading the letters, she scooped Timmy up in her arms. “Mother do I have to go?” Timmy whined.

Brenda wiped away Timmy’s tears along with her own tears which were running in a long river down her face. “Yes dear, of course you do. I am very saddened by the fact of what this world’s come too, but I want you to stay safe. I am very thankful of this letter and I love you very much. No matter how far we are apart I will always love you.” She set him down and stuffed the letter back in the enevlope. There was silence for a long time. Timmy could hear the buzzing from the fridge. He looked around at the quaint little kitchen. The rose wall paper clung to the walls like sap to a tree. The cute little table sat in the middle of the room with three spots set for dinner. Finally Brenda anwered, “Go get your father for dinner.”

Timmy ran down the hall and into the den. His father looked at him from behind his giant black biofcals. “Hello son. How are you?” He looked glum and you could see the worry lines forming underneatth his eyes.

“Dinner father,” Timmy anwerered motioning his hand toward the kitchen.

“Oh thanks son.” Timmy’s father was a scientist for the Dover University. Timmy’s father, Henry, was also writing a book about the endangered leemur called the serma.

When the whole family Timmy, Brenda, and Henry sat down for dinner. Brenda had placed the letter on Henry’s plate. Henry, seeing the symbol of the United States on the envelope, snatched up the letter and began to read it. His eyes seemed to bulge out of his head. He dropped the letter and sat down.

Henry, then as an after thought, pushed back his chair and stood up. He walked over to Timmy and put a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Son I want you to go. I am very happy for you. I love you very much.”

Henry walked back to his chair and sat down. Pulling the pot of soup over to his own bowl, he divied a large portion of the mushroom soup into his bowl. The smell was delicious and Timmy quickly pulled the pot over to him. The dinner happened in silence along with the rest of the world.


sidney said...

That is really good! I likes it, I am speechless. Well, there is so much to say! I really liked how your sentences were never in chunks, they all flowed togthor to make one awesome story. You should stick to this one. It was really sad, I actualy felt like I was in the story.

Harrison said...

I liked your entry/story because of all the quotes you included and how the whole story fit together.

horse@hrt/Marlee said...

I liked this because IT WAS A REALLY GOOD STORY!
Grace, this story really kept me attatched. It is so interesting! I liked how detailed it was and how the letter really seemed like it was from the US government people. I also really liked the description of the boy. I could clearly see him in my head. Stick with this! it is REALLY GOOD!

raelani said...

By the first paragraph I was hooked. Your story has nice viscosity. This story seems captivating. Would you want to live on the new planet? I think I might. I really enjoyed the letter in the entry because it made the story seem more realistic. Can's wait to read more.

Hannah said...

Wow this is really good! I fell kinda bad for Timmy because he has to leave his whole family and go to a new planet all by himself. I would hate to have to do that. I am not sure if I would want to stay or go. I like this story because your sentences flowed. They did not sound forced or chunky. I also like how you described Timmy and the whole scenario. It made me feel like I was actually there. Good job and keep writing!

Lacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lacy said...

Wow. That was really good. I liked that because of all of the diolouge in it. You also had so much detail. It was very good.

Alexis said...

I liked this story because it was really exctiting. I read the introduction and then this one. Im going to read the next one. I liked your other story also about the girl. I would look up the name but I don't want to delete my comment. This story was good. Write more!